Explore Garden Wildlife

Monarch Butterfly
The Monarch butterfly is one of the most striking and recognizable species of butterfly. It was listed by the Committee for the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada as Endangered in 2016.

Praying Mantis
I found this beauty on my car – he did turn to look at me as I took his picture which could be a little alarming for some of us – but leaving aside the initial fear of that stare, they are without a doubt quite exquisite.
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Hi, I’m Meriel
This space is for all the foodies out there - all of you who love to browse cookbooks and recipe sites for inspiration, try new foods and learn new things about food and cooking.
And equally, this space is for all the garden lovers – all the folks who love to get their hands dirty in the garden and watch their plants grow and thrive.
Enjoy browsing!
Meriel x