Dukat Dill
By: Meriel Bradley
I like to direct sow my dill in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked in late spring and the soil is above 10 C. It’s considered an annual that self-seeds.
If you’re planting for harvesting, you can sow every 3 weeks or so to stager your harvest but you can also keep a permanent patch where you keep some stalks and allow it to self-seed.
Dill is great for your butterfly garden and attracts the Black Swallow Tail Butterfly as a host plant for its caterpillar stage – these butterflies are incredibly beautiful – see my post here.
It attracts beneficial pollinators and it also attracts lacewings and ladybugs which feed on aphids.

2 – 4 feet

Planting Tips
Direct plant as soon as the ground can be worked in late spring
Harvest in 8 – 12 weeks
Needs full sun
Attracts pollinators and beneficial insects
A good companion plant for cucumbers, broccoli, corn, and lettuce
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