Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail By: Meriel Bradley I was thrilled to have this Canadian Tiger Swallowtail visit my garden. It took me on quite a chase but finally settled long enough so I could capture this picture. The Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly can be found...
A Bee Friendly Garden
Tips for a bee friendly garden:
Choose native plants, trees, and shrubs rich in pollen and nectar
Provide continuous bloom so you always have plants blooming from spring until fall
Many native bees build nests in soil, so leave some bare patches and limit your use of mulch
Provide fresh water
Make or buy a bee house
Don’t spray pesticides – garden organically

Green Bush Cricket
I found this Green Bush Cricket on my Delphiniums and had to get a picture – the colour combination of his green and the blue of the flowers is magnificent. I hope you enjoy the picture as much as I do.

Monarch Butterfly
The Monarch butterfly is one of the most striking and recognizable species of butterfly. It was listed by the Committee for the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada as Endangered in 2016.

Praying Mantis
I found this beauty on my car – he did turn to look at me as I took his picture which could be a little alarming for some of us – but leaving aside the initial fear of that stare, they are without a doubt quite exquisite.