6 – 10
2 – 6 feet
full sun
By: Meriel Bradley
Crocosmia is a beautiful vibrant flower growing on long stems that reach out from a clump of vibrant sword-like leaves.
It’s suggested that the corms from which they grow are hardy to zone 6, but I am in zone 5 and mine come back year after year. Just make sure to plant them a good 6 inches down and mulch them heavily in the fall – it’s worth the effort to try and keep them in the ground as they do multiply year over year into a bigger clump.
The flowers open in midsummer and are a magnet to hummingbirds.
Keep them moist through the summer and divide the clumps every 3 years to keep them healthy.

Quick Facts
Does best in full sun
Zones 6 – 10
Grows from corms
Will naturalize easily
May need staking to keep upright
Blooms attract hummingbirds
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