Clearwing Hummingbird Moth
By: Meriel Bradley
Hummingbird moths fly and feed during the day, so if you are lucky enough to attract them into your garden you are in for a treat – they are absolutely amazing to watch.
I had quite a time getting some pictures to share as they are very busy and don’t stay still for very long, but they do hover and feed on nectar-rich flowers just like a hummingbird.

Quick Facts
They are part of the hawk moth or sphinx moth group
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth will lay its eggs in mid-summer
The caterpillars will feed mainly on honeysuckle, hawthorn, snowberry, and viburnum
Once the caterpillars are fully grown they drop to the ground, spin a cocoon and overwinter in leaf litter
The larvae will metamorphose in time to emerge the following spring

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