Royal Burgundy Pole Bean
outside after last frost
Days to harvest:
55 – 60
full sun
By: Meriel Bradley
This is a delicious bean with great flavourĀ – I will be planting more next year to have extra for freezing.
This bean has a nice firm pod which is purple when picked and then turns a rich dark green when cooked.
It flowers as it climbs, so you start getting beans earlier in the summer than some pole beans, and then it keeps on producing all through the summer.
I planted just 4 plants to try them out, and we had about 6 dinner-size portions of beans a week from July through to early October – I’m in zone 5.

Quick Facts
Grows best in full sun
Plant in the ground after the last frost
Needs an 8-foot climbing structure
55 – 60 days until the first harvest
A purple bean that turns green when cooked
Produces beans all summer into fall
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